Thursday, August 26, 2010

!0 Tips for A Winning Shower

Who among us hasn't planned at least one baby shower? And who didn't secretly dread the task? Exactly! Forget the old school days of a bunch of ladies sitting around comparing birthing stories -- here are some ideas to update the baby shower and make sure it's a good time!

1. Couples Showers Rock -- Mom may be carrying the baby but Dad's life is about to change too. Consider having a shower for couples instead of just something for the new Mommy.

2. Think of it as a party not a shower. Shower has so many associations, not all of them good -- too much crepe paper and lame party games come to mind. Think of it as a party and I bet you quickly ramp up the fun quotient!

3. Which leads me to party games -- if you're gonna have 'em make sure they are fun! Have a onesie decorating contest -- arm your guests with some fabric paints and let 'em go crazy. This will be fun for guests and give the new parents some cute outfits for baby. My daughter is almost 3 and I still have every onesie decorated for her by our guests.

4. Ask the honored guests what kind of party they want! I bet most new parents have some ideas about what kind of party they'd like to have to celebrate the addition to their family but many party hosts don't ask. Easiest way to get their suggestions without overwhelming them with details is to ask for their help in picking the invites -- this will tell you a lot about what kind of theme they want and what makes them tick partywise. My favorite for party invites is Tiny Prints, .Get their input -- after all, it is their party!

5. Recruit helpers. Party planning is always easier when you can divide and conquer. Ask a few people to help with the party and it's sure to save everyone's sanity and budget.

6. Serve yummy food! Face it, one of the things everyone remembers about a party is what they ate. Pick a few of the honored guests favorites and build a menu around those.

7. If it's a second baby or the parents already have much of what they need, consider an "alternative" theme. Pampering parties are popular treating Mommy-To-Be to a mani/pedi or a massage. Or maybe host a party after the baby is born, so everyone can welcome the new arrival.

8. Don't have it at the new parents house. What sounds convenient at first since the pregnant lady doesn't have to go anywhere is really not a good idea. Unless you plan to hire someone to clean her house for her before AND after the party!

9. Make a yummy punch and have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions. Just cause Mommy can't have a cocktail doesn't mean the rest of us need be teetotalers. Just make sure to have something as yummy for the non-drinkers, such as regular and virgin margaritas!

10. Give good party favors! Does anyone really want a plastic baby bottle filled with candy? Probably not and you can do better than that! At our couples shower, we sent guests home with a dry cocktail mix printed for the big day -- they could mix it into a yummy lemonade or a super yummy vodka lemonade at home. At a friends pampering party, we went everyone home with a small spa bag of nail files, lip gloss and nail polish.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Tiny Prints blogging program, making me eligible to get a Tiny Prints gift code worth $50, plus 25 FREE Tiny Prints greeting cards—a total gift value of $149.75! For more information on how you can participate click here

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